What are the Benefits and Harms of Persimmon?
Persimmon, also known as persimmon, is a delicious fruit and is literally a storehouse of antioxidants. This delicious fruit also has names such as Japanese persimmon and Mediterranean persimmon. Most of them are not consumed harshly and leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Persimmon strengthens the immune system and is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Persimmon, which resembles a tomato in shape and a carrot in color, has started to be consumed by more people recently. Persimmon has many benefits. This delicious fruit, which makes the place colorful until the beginning of the winter months, is yellow when raw and hard, and turns into a soft and orange color as it begins to ripen. Dried persimmons are similar to fresh ones. Both fruits should be consumed in moderation. It contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. This unique fruit has a protective effect against important diseases such as heart diseases and cancer.
What are the Benefits of Persimmon?
Paradise dates conquer people's hearts with two different flavors. Persimmon, which has a sweet-tart aroma, leaves a bitter taste on the palate. This fruit, which is rich in content, is consumed with pleasure. In addition, we can list the benefits of persimmon as follows;
It protects the intestines.
It is good for the immune system.
It prevents the danger of cancer.
It is good for eye health.
It is good for stress.
It keeps blood pressure balanced.
It has an anti-aging effect.
It is effective during pregnancy.
It strengthens the skeletal system.
It contributes to clearing inflammations.
It is effective in protecting against diseases thanks to the vitamin C it contains.
It is effective in the development of children.
It is good for skin health.
It prevents the spread of the tumor.
It ensures the secretion of the happiness hormone.
What Vitamins Are in Persimmon?
The benefits of this unique fruit are many. In order to understand the health benefits of this fruit, it is necessary to know the ingredients of this fruit well. Persimmon contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. The vitamins of this fruit appear as vitamins that should be included in daily nutrition. We can list the vitamins found in persimmon as follows: Vitamin A: This vitamin is very effective for protecting eye and dental health. In addition, it is a strong antioxidant. It also benefits the body's normal iron metabolism. Vitamin B: Vitamins in this category belong to the group of vitamins that contribute to the conversion of food into energy. Energy is evident with vitamin B1 and supports heart health. Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 contributes to the formation of red blood cells and the normal metabolism of iron. It is important for anemia. Vitamin B3: Vitamin B3 also helps support the body's energy metabolism. Thus, it is good for fatigue and exhaustion. Vitamin C: Vitamin C supports immunity. These vitamins benefit the collagen production required for the skeletal structure, teeth and muscles. 100 grams of persimmon contains 129.6 kcal of energy. Many of the vitamins and minerals needed for the body are contained in this fruit. However, as with all foods, excessive consumption of persimmon may harm your health.
